JTI Newspaper Stores and Petrol Stations
Japan Tobacco International counted on our Panamese sailors to organize a visibility drive with different-sized banners in over 200 newspaper stores. Over the course of a few weeks, our Panamese sailors succeeded in adapting the current branding and creating a new and clear brand visibility.
A major change in Belgian tobacco legislation later required tobacco brands to minimize their visibility in stores. Manufacturer JTI again called on our help to remove all brand visibility in nearly 3,000 stores and outlets. Over a three-week period, we deployed a team of 15 dedicated merchandisers to remove everything quickly and without errors.
JTI also counts on Panama to control its planograms in petrol stations. After a clear briefing and extensive product training, our Panamese merchandisers ensure correct distribution and the best visibility measurement. A mobile app keeps track of the results, allowing customers to consult the status in real time.

Discover our services
Panama, Kapelanielaan 8, 9140 Temse